Is Anupama Software free to try?
Yes. You can install and start learning with Anupama Software free of cost till the trial period ends. After the trial period, if you like to continue learning with Anupama, you can pay the course fee for further learning.

Does Anupama teach in 24 Hours?
Yes. Anupama teaches the touch-typing skill in 24 Lesson Hours.

In how many hours of practice can I learn touch-typing?
Anupama’s experience with thousands of students has shown that one may take around 15 to 30 Hours of practice to get the Certificate of Success. Practice one hour a day and by the end of the month, you will master the computer keyboard.

I am in urgent need to learn the touch-typing skill. Can I learn it within a week?
Yes. You can. Practice four to five hours a day and by the end of the week, you can get the Certificate of Success.

My child is six years old. Can I teach the touch-typing skill to her with Anupama?
Yes. Anupama is suitable for ages 6 and above.

I am an old person. Can I learn the touch-typing skill with Anupama?
Sure. Young or old, persons of all ages can learn the touch-typing skill with Anupama. One student of Anupama, a retired professor aged around 74 years learned and got the Certificate of Success within a week. Surprised, when Anupama enquired from the professor the reply was: “Retired and free all day and was learning with Anupama all day.”

What is the difference between the Installable Version and Portable Version of Anupama Software?
1. Installable version installs the Anupama Software to your computer. Advisable in the case of all individual users.
2. Portable version does not install the software on the client computers. Anupama Software runs from a folder that can be placed on client computers or it can be run from an external drive too. In the case of institutions (schools, colleges, training institutes etc.,) where the software requires to be run on multiple computers, one can download this portable version of software to a pen-drive once and then use that copy to paste the software folder on all other computers.

How to use the Installable Version?
1. Go to https://anupamatyping.com
2. Select the Software of the language you would like to learn the touch-typing.
3. In the next window that appears click on the Downloads menu.
4. Click on I am not a robot and then on the Install button.
5. A setup file gets downloaded to your downloads folder.
6. Open the downloads folder and double-click on the setup file.
7. It installs the Anupama Software and at the end of the installation, an icon appears on your desktop.
8. Double-click on the Anupama Icon to open the Anupama Software and follow the on-screen instructions.

How to use the Portable Version?
1. Download, unzip, open the unzipped folder and copy the 'AnupamaTeTT_Cloud_5_2_1_0' folder into a pen drive. (Language letters and version numbers differ for different language software)
2. This folder in the pen drive is portable software. It does not require any installation.
3. You may copy this folder to other computers using a pen drive.
4. You can paste this folder anywhere on the computer, (preferable ‘D’ drive or 'C' Drive.)
5. Then open the folder and right-click on the Application file (file named as: 'AnupamaTeTT_Cloud', with an icon 'అ', Size approximately 217 / 222 MB), and select: 'Send to- Desktop (create shortcut)
6. That's it. Now double click on the new icon on Desktop (an icon 'అ’) to run the new Anupama Software Build

How to register a student name?
1. Open the Anupama Software, click the Register button, and select ‘Yes’, if you have a payment id. or 'No' if you want to continue as a Trial User.
2. Enter your email id.
3. Enter payment id.
4. Click on Submit.
5. Registration window opens.
6. Enter student details and click on the Register button.
7. Click on OK on the message, recheck the entered details, and click on the Register button again.
8. Student’s name gets registered, and a Roll Number appears in a message. Write down the Roll Number. Click on the Welcome button to go back to the Welcome page.
9. Click on the Login button. Enter Roll No. and password. The default password is: ‘password’ You should change it after you enter the 'Class Room' window.

What is .Net 4.8 (Dot Net 4.8)? Why do I require it?
.Net 4.8 (Dot Net 4.8) is a Windows Runtime Environment which is required to run Anupama Software. By default, this Runtime Environment is available in Windows Operating Systems Windows 7 SP2(Service Pack 1), Windows 8.1, Windows 10, and Windows 11. However, in some old un-updated versions of Windows, it may not be available. In that case, this .Net 4.8 (Dot Net 4.8) need to be downloaded and installed before running Anupama Software.

How do I know, which version of Windows am I running?
To find which version of Windows you're running, check at the link below.
Which version of Windows operating system am I running?

I am having Windows 10 OS, but still, I am getting an error that my Operating System does not support .Net 4.8 (Dot Net 4.8). Why is it so?
Windows 10 Version Updates: 21H2,21H1, 20H2, 2004, 1909, 1903, 1809, 1803, 1709, 1703, 1607 support .Net 4.8 (Dot Net 4.8), if you are having Windows 10 Version with a different update then it would not support the installation of .Net 4.8 (Dot Net 4.8) In such a case you are advised to update your windows version update to one of the above-supported version updates. See also:
Net Framework System Requirements

How can I update my Windows OS to the latest update?
Visit the following Microsoft website link to know more about updating Windows OS.
Windows Update: FAQ

Is there an offline .Net 4.8 (Dot Net 4.8) installer available?
Yes. It is available at the following Microsoft website link:
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 offline installer for Windows

I have installed Anupama Software. When I open it the 'Font Size' appears very small. How to get it right?
1. Open and run the Anupama Application.
2. Open Windows Task Manager. (Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete to open Windows Task Manager.)
3. From the 'Processes' Tab of the Task Manager, find Anupama Software process, right click on it and select 'Open file location'.
4. Close the Anupama Application by clicking on the Log Out button.
5. In the file location folder, right clik on the Anupma Software 'Application' file and select 'properties'.
6. In the Tab that opens, click on 'Compatability'.
7. Under the Compatablity Tab click on "Change high DPI settings".
8. In the next Tab select: "High DPI scaling override" to Override high DPI scaling behavior.
9. Set the 'Scaling performed by:' option to 'Application'.
10. Click on OK to close this Tab, and then click on Apply in the previous Tab and close it.
11. Now open the Anupama Application. The font size should appear normal.

I have another question. Whom can I ask?
You can ask it through the Contact Form on the Home page. You will get a reply and the query might be added and answered here in the FAQ for the benefit of all others too.